CPC: Colombia Para CristoCPC Society is a Canadian registered charity committed to helping resound the good news of a clean and unaltered gospel through diverse and creative means including the distribution of Bibles and educational literature, radio production and broadcasting, and humanitarian aid.
The charity began when co-founder and director, missionary Russell Martin Stendal, was released from 142 days of captivity by marxist guerrilla rebels in Colombia, South America. Advised to leave the country and never return, Russell decided to stay in Colombia with his wife and family and began a work of reaching out to the rebels that had held him hostage. He realized during his captivity that the men and women that had taken his freedom were in more bondage than he was and while there were many people praying and striving for his release, no one seemed to care for these men, women and children imprisoned in the dark, violent, hopeless life of civil war. Deep within the Colombian jungle, tied to a tree, he wrote a book entitled Rescue the Captors, a memoir of his ordeal dedicated to his captors. The distribution of this book thought out rural, war-torn Colombia began a work of reconciliation and peace amidst areas of overwhelming darkness that has grown to include many more materials, resources and projects. Over the years, this endeavor of “changing a nation one heart at a time” has spread and friends, partners and allies all over the world have been able to witness and be a part of the unorthodox work God is doing in the most unlikely places with the most unlikely people. We invite you to be a part, after all, it only takes one willing heart to make a difference. |
Welcome to the new CPC Society webpage. please take a moment to watch the above video, presented as a gift to CPC founder and director Russell Stendal by his children for his tireless efforts towards spreading Peace and reconciliation, upon receiving the Shahbaz Bhatti Freedom Award.
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©2017 CPC Society - All Rights Reserved
Website and Maintenance by RU Institute
Artwork & Design by Ablaze Media
©2017 CPC Society - All Rights Reserved
Website and Maintenance by RU Institute
Artwork & Design by Ablaze Media