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This year concludes with renewed hope for the country of Colombia. The Peace Accord that took a long four years to negotiate (with serious obstacles at every turn) is now approved and being implemented. The longest civil war in modern history has ended after 52 bitter and bloody years. However, many dangers continue on the horizon. Spiritual and social decay abound in the big cities even while incredible revival is taking place in rural areas. The tentacles of the overwhelming narcotics industry and its corrupt mafias have infiltrated politics and society.
On the bright side, many of those who were trapped as actors in the armed conflict will now be free to begin a new life. Those who committed war crimes will be sentenced up to eight years of making restitution to their victims, if they confess the truth (otherwise they will face an automatic twenty years of hard prison). Untold thousands of men and women who bore arms listen to our radio broadcasts and read our books and Bibles hoping for the day when they would be free to follow their conscience and serve the Lord. Please pray their hopes and dreams may now become reality. The future of this nation will depend on those who have clean hearts and who will speak the truth without fear or favor of man. Many congregations, pastors and Christian leaders in predominantly rural areas who were severely persecuted will also have unprecedented freedom and liberty. Pray that this opportunity will be used wisely. People living in war-torn areas…where churches were destroyed, Christian meetings and events were prohibited, Bibles restricted, will now be able to congregate without fear. Pray that Bibles will be available for all who desire one and the flurry of unrestricted Christian meetings will be pleasing to the Lord. In other areas, particularly ethnic Indian reserves and along the borders, serious persecution is still going on along with increasing revival. Radio Ministry Some of our radio ministry is in transition. We are closing some stations that existed under special conditions that favored us during the war. Please pray for wisdom as we cooperate with new stations and will be licensed under the Peace Accord. Pray that we will be able to take advantage of the new opportunities that we have been asked to participate in. The new stations have the potential to be very powerful and to also cover urban areas we have not been able to adequately reach up until now. We will continue our legal short wave, AM, FM, and Internet broadcasts as long as we have the funds and resources to pay the expenses. Damascus Gold Medallion The Colombian Army recently changed their entire doctrine or code of conduct that governs every person and every unit in order to adapt to the new period of post conflict. The new doctrine is named “Damascus” inspired by the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. I was recently awarded a special Damascus Gold Medallion for our successful work leading to the conversion of many. We continue to receive many testimonies from soldiers and police whose lives have been transformed and who are now involved in successful ministry. Praise the Lord!
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December 2019
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