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We are entering a time of ever increasing turbulence all around the planet as the established world order is being shaken. This affects virtually everything: politics, economics and religion. Colombia is no exception. Implementation of the Peace Accord has been slow and filled with obstacles. The FARC guerrillas finally arrived at the stipulated sites where they were to turn over their weapons only to be told that the United Nations was not ready to receive them. Also, little or no preparation had been made by the government even to provide potable water or basic sanitary facilities at these sites scattered over the length and breadth of this nation. The necessary laws for the Peace Accord have been delayed in Congress (even though a ¨fast track¨ legislative process was authorized by the Supreme Court) and therefore many of the actors of the armed factions still face significant legal uncertainty. In the meantime, a smorgasbord of actors, including diverse criminal bands, right wing paramilitary groups, dissident FARC leaders, and even a rival guerrilla group, the ELN, have been scrambling to fill the vacuum left by the FARC and consolidate control over the lucrative cocaine and heroin traffic. Corruption abounds at virtually all levels of government punctuated by a recent scandal involving a Brazilian firm that allegedly paid extensive bribes to key officials in both the past and present administrations in exchange for lucrative road and infrastructure contracts that were also in partnership with many of the top Colombian firms tainting virtually everyone among the ruling political class. Albert Receives AwardHere in Bogota, Albert Luepnitz just finished another ministry tour in which a large number of military officers including top generals (retired and active) responded and were deeply touched by the Lord. Albert received military awards and honors from the Army, Air Force and the National Police and a ceremony is pending with the Navy. The first spiritual encounters have begun between converted guerrilla leaders and converted generals as they encourage one another with the testimony of what Jesus Christ has done in their lives. This cuts directly through the past fifty-three years of violence, hatred and mistrust. This is the beginning of a new day!
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